Nick Cegelski
July 14, 2023

It doesn’t matter how well you do something if that thing isn’t even worth doing in the first place.

Too many sellers waste HOURS on stuff that doesn’t move the needle.

Here’s 3 deadly time-wasters to abandon.

Screenshot 2023-07-06 at 1.05.30 PM
Exhibit A: A useless slack conversation

1: Following up with prospects who’ve ghosted you.

Look, if someone hasn’t responded to you in more than 30 days, it’s time to “closed lost” that deal.

You won’t revive it by calling & emailing them daily. Ping ‘em in a quarter, but that’s about it.

Use all the time you’ve now freed up to prospect other people.

2: Endless Slack back-and-forths

You’ve gotta use the right tool for the job.

If 3 back-and-forth Slacks don’t resolve an issue, Slack is no longer the right tool for the job.

Pick up the phone and call instead.

Instant messaging is instant until it’s not.

3: Endless “Social Selling”

Tinkering all day on LinkedIn is not an effective prospecting activity.

While there’s nothing wrong with establishing a social presence on LinkedIn, most sellers allow it to be a distraction from their core prospecting activities.

My recommendation: Unless you sell to sales/marketing, you probably don’t need to invest time into “social selling”.

Your job as a seller: Create Pipeline & Advance Pipeline.

Anything beyond that is a distraction.

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