Nick Cegelski
June 6, 2023

The greatest time-waster in sales is working deals that aren’t ever gonna close.

The best way to reality check your deals is to provide an “out” for your prospect.

A visual representation of what happens when you cling to "garbage" deals

Might sound like:

  • Dave, you shared earlier that our pricing is much higher than your current vendor. Think it’s even worth continuing to evaluate us?
  • Emma, you mentioned that June & July are your busiest months. Should we press pause on things for now?
  • Sean, it didn’t seem like Mary was crazy about our demo last week. Think it might make sense to stick with your current process instead of switching?

When you provide your prospect with an “out”, 1 of 3 things will happen:

  1. They Opt Out: And you were going to lose it anyway!
  2. They Share More: And now you can address/overcome that concern.
  3. They Opt In: They justify WHY they want to keep evaluating you.

It’s not fun working for free.

Dead on the vine deals force you to work for free.

Cull the herd so you can put your effort into winning the real ones.

Josh Braun’s Tongue-Tied Objection Flashcards

Prospect confidently, no matter the challenge with Josh Braun's objection flashcards.