Jason Bay
July 7, 2023

Here’s the thing: deals are tougher to close right now. Gong data shows that:

  • Deals are taking 10% longer to close
  • The # of stakeholders involved has increased by 54%
  • Buyers spend 62% more time talking about price & budget

What does this mean for you? You cannot afford to be single-threaded in deals. Here are 3 steps to get to power in every deal (and never get stuck below the power line again).

Step 1: Take the Lead

Between you and the buyer, YOU are the expert on how to buy your solution. Take the lead and coach your buyer by building a “stakeholder hypothesis” before the intro call.

Find everyone on LinkedIn who should be part of the buying process based on the last 5-10 deals you’ve closed.

Now you can get specific with your ask in Step #2.

Step 2: Sell the outcome.

Buying is infinitely more risky than selling. Use multi-threading as a way to de-risk the purchase for the buyer and to help them get a better outcome.

Try this line when you're multithreading on a call:

We’ve gone through this process over a dozen times with [example clients]. Do you mind if I share how I’ve seen [persona] get the [typical outcomes] on a project like this?”

We’re getting the perspectives of [likely champions] + [likely technical buyers, etc.] + [likely economic buyer]

Do those sound like the right folks to you?
Great, I suggest we get [stakeholders] on our next call.”

Always suggest the right people, then have the prospect validate your suggestion. You take the lead on the multithreading path in a deal.

Step 3: Use “give to gets”

Strategically use “give to gets” early in the sales process to incentivize your prospect to help you multithread. Whenever the prospect wants something extra (e.g. a demo), ask that we loop in power.

Here's an example of how that might sound:

Happy to schedule a demo. Before doing that, can we align on what a successful outcome looks like for you?

And if we’re able to make that happen, can you help facilitate an intro to [executive stakeholder] so we can get them looped in?”

JBay’s Multithreading Masterclass

Unlock the power of multithreading and close deals with confidence!