Nick Cegelski
April 4, 2023
Exhibit A: Nick’s cold call motivation

Getting off to a fast start is the #1 way to win the day. We talk a lot about “eating the frog” (starting your morning with your toughest task). For most sellers, that frog is making cold calls.

Relying on willpower only works when you’re feeling good. I recommend creating games & systems for yourself that incentivize the behavior you’re looking to exhibit.

Hence, in my first SDR job I created the “5 Dial Pee Rule”. Upon arriving at the office after a 30 minute commute, I didn’t allow myself to visit the restroom until I’d made 5 cold calls.

This “rule” was a forcing function that had me dialing nearly immediately upon arriving at the office. 5 dials wouldn’t take more than a couple minutes, but I would start every day with a quick win & fast start.

Give it a shot (But better hope you don’t get stuck on an endless phone tree!)

Preview Cold Calling Sucks (And That's Why It Works)

Free download of the introduction and chapter 1 (openers).