Nick Cegelski
May 3, 2023

When I wrestled in college, I created mantras for myself to help me refocus in tough matches. Short phrases (Ex. Keep Moving) helped me get myself back on track when things weren’t going my way in the match.

Exhibit A: Poorly-written note hanging on my monitor

Selling is no different. When you get thrown off during a tough discovery call, you’ve gotta have a mantra to quickly refocus.

I keep mine taped to my computer monitor: You’ll win more deals by being interested than interesting.

I’m fanatical about what I sell (30MPC sponsorships!). 30MPC is my life and I could talk about it for hours. Unfortunately, that’s not how you “win” a discovery call.

If I wanna win deals, I must take more interest in my prospect’s scenario than in my own business! My mantra sears that philosophy in my brain.

Preview Cold Calling Sucks (And That's Why It Works)

Free download of the introduction and chapter 1 (openers).