Horses wear “blinders” for a reason: To block out distractions that prevent them from charging full speed to the finish line.
There are a tremendous number of distractions available to you as a seller.
Most of you are intelligent enough to avoid the complete time-wasters (Barring a few…looking at you, Armand!)
The real danger is the stuff, that could be effective IF (and only if) you had unlimited time in the day:
- Excessive 1:1s with other sellers on your team to “exchange best practices”
- Learning every last detail about your product (Your SME is there for a reason, folks)
- Joining EVERY internal meeting (Grab the recording and watch on 2x speed)
Unfortunately, you don’t have unlimited time in the day. If you’re not pacing to President’s Club, then you have ZERO time for this “sorta effective” stuff.
Your 2 responsibilities as a seller:
- Create new pipeline
- Advance current pipeline
Everything else is a distraction.