Nick Cegelski
August 5, 2023

Success in sales is determined by the number of uncomfortable conversations you’re willing to have.

Things that ain’t easy in sales:

  • Cold calling
  • Holding firm in a negotiation
  • Hearing (and accepting) tough feedback from your boss

The hard stuff yields results, but our minds are always on the lookout for excuses to circumnavigate the hard stuff.

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This usually sounds like:

  • Eh, my day’s pretty full - there’s just no time to make dials today.
  • Let’s just get this deal over with. I know I can go lower on price.
  • My boss doesn’t know what she’s talking about - I know what I’m doing here.

Most sellers are content wallowing in mediocrity. There will always be a coworker or someone on LinkedIn validating excuses. Avoid those people at all costs.

My advice:

  1. Accept that you’re going to encounter excuses and stay vigilant against them.
  2. Reject those excuses
  3. Anytime you’re choosing between hard and easy: pick the hard path.

Lead the uncomfortable conversations leaderboard.

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