Morgan Ingram
July 28, 2023

Its Morgan J Ingram here, I’m Grand Theft Autoing the 30MPC newsletter today!

If you’re not receiving results on your LinkedIn follow this. You’re gonna record a native voice note through LinkedIn DMs following the 10-30-10 formula:

First 10 Seconds: Reason For The Voice Note

Why are you reaching out to them in the 1st place? Did you find an interesting fact about them or something on their website or page that would compel them to listen more?

Example: The reason for my voice note is that I noticed that you are hiring SDRs…

Next 30 Seconds: Your Value Prop

What are you offering them that will help them in their SPECIFIC scenario or THAT SOLVES a pain point for them?

Example: Our training services empower your sales rep to leverage their LinkedIn to book more meetings using LinkedIn voice notes and videos.

Last 10 Seconds: Call to Action

You need to tell people exactly what you want from them. I like interest-based CTAs like:

  • Would you be interested in learning more?
  • Are you curious to have a deeper dialogue on this topic?

These typically open up the conversation and lead to more meetings.

Example: I don't know if this is a fit right now, however would you be interested in learning more?

Let’s put it together. Here’s the whole voice note:

The reason for my voice note is that I noticed that you are hiring SDRs.

Typically when I see that, enablement will become a big priority in the organization. Our training services empower your sales rep to leverage their LinkedIn to book more meetings using LinkedIn voice notes and videos.

I don't know if this is a fit right now, however would you be interested in learning more?

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Charly Johnson's Cold Outbound Campaign

Use this multi-channel cadence template that includes email, call, LinkedIn, and video messaging.